Referreed Journal Papers (Published or In Press)





1. Theocaris, P.S., Kardomateas, G.A., and Andrianopoulos, N.P., "Experimental Study of the T-criterion in Ductile Structures," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 17, pp. 439-447, 1982.

2. Kardomateas, G.A., McClintock, F.A. and Carter, W.T., "Directional Effects in Asymmetric Fully Plastic Crack Growth", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 21, pp. 341-351, 1985.

3. Kardomateas, G.A., "A Model for Quasi-steady Asymmetric Fully Plastic Crack Growth,"  International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 19, pp. 237-246, 1985.

4. Kardomateas, G.A. and Yannas, I.V., "A Model for the Different Crazing Behaviour of Amorphous Polymer Glasses,"  Philosophical Magazine A, vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 39-50, 1985.

5. Kardomateas, G.A., "Fractographic Observations in Asymmetric and Symmetric Fully Plastic Crack Growth," Scripta Metallurgica, 20 pp. 609-614, 1986.

6. Kardomateas, G.A., "Displacement Fields for Mixed Mode Elastic-Plastic Cracks," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 25, pp. 135-139, 1986.

7. Kardomateas, G.A., "Macro-Mechanical Analysis for Symmetric and Asymmetric Fully Plastic Crack Growth," Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (ASME), vol. 208, pp. 285-289, Oct. 1986.

8. Kardomateas, G.A., "Fully Plastic Asymmetric Crack Growth near a Single Shear Band," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 28, pp. 591-598, 1986.

9. Kardomateas, G.A. and McClintock, F.A., "Tests and Interpretation of Mixed Mode I and II Fully Plastic Fracture from Simulated Weld Defects," International Journal of Fracture, vol. 35, pp. 103-124, 1987. 

10. Kardomateas, G.A., "Finite Element Investigation of Plane Strain Asymmetric Fully Plastic Fracture," Computers and Structures, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 1147-1151, 1988.

11. Kardomateas, G.A. and Schmueser, D.W., "Buckling and Postbuckling of Delaminated Composites Under Compressive Loads Including Transverse Shear Effects," AIAA Journal, vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 337-343, 1988.

12. Kardomateas, G.A., "Effect of an Elastic Foundation on the Buckling and Postbuckling of Delaminated Composites Under Compressive Loads," Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 55, pp. 238-241, 1988.

13. Kardomateas, G.A., "Theory of Elasticity of Filament Wound Anisotropic  Ellipsoids with Specialization to Torsion of Orthotropic Bars'', Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 55, pp. 837-844, 1988.

14. Kardomateas, G.A., "Large Deformation Effects in the Postbuckling Behavior of Composites with Thin Film Delaminations," AIAA Journal, vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 624-631, 1989.

15. Kardomateas, G.A.,  "Transient Thermal Stresses in Cylindrically Orthotropic Composite Tubes,"  Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 56, pp. 411-417, 1989, also Errata, Ibid, vol. 58, p. 909, 1991.

16. Kardomateas, G.A., "End Fixity Effects on the Buckling and Postbuckling of Delaminated Composites," Composites Science and Technology, vol. 34, pp. 113-128, 1989.

17. Kardomateas, G.A., "Torsion of a Filament Wound Anisotropic Elliptic Cylinder With Variable Moduli of Elasticity," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 459-469, 1989.

18. Kardomateas, G.A. and Mclintock, F.A., "Shear Band Characterization of Mixed Mode I and II Fully Plastic Crack Growth," International Journal of Fracture, vol. 40, pp. 1-12, 1989.

19. Kardomateas, G.A., "Thermoelastic Stresses in a Filament Wound Orthotropic Ellipsoid Due to a Uniform Temperature Change," International Journal of Solids and Structures,  vol. 26, no. 5/6, pp, 527-537, 1990.

20. Kardomateas, G.A., Bending of a Cylindrically Orthotropic Curved Beam With Linearly Distributed Elastic Constant," Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics,   vol. 43, pt. 1, pp. 43-55, 1990.

21. Kardomateas, G.A., "The Initial Phase of Transient Thermal Stresses due to General Boundary Thermal Loads  in Orthotropic Hollow Cylinders,"  Journal  of Applied Mechanics, (ASME),  vol. 57, pp. 719-724, 1990, also Errata, Ibid, vol. 58, p. 909, 1991.

22. Kardomateas, G.A., "Asymptotic Analysis Considerations on the Initial Postbuckling Behavior of Delaminated Composites," Acta Mechanica,  vol 83, pp. 165-175, 1990.

23. Kardomateas, G.A., "Snap Buckling of Delaminated Composites Under Pure Bending",  Composites Science and Technology, pp. 63-74, 1990.

24. Kardomateas, G.A. "Postbuckling Characteristics in Delaminated Kevlar/Epoxy Laminates: An Experimental Study", Journal of Composites Technology and Research (ASTM), vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 85-90. 1990.

25. Kardomateas, G.A., "End Force Loading of Generally  Anisotropic Curved Beams With Linearly Varying Elasic Constants," International Journal of Solids and Structures,  vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 59-71, 1991.

26. Kardomateas, G.A., "Tests on the Ductility of Asymmetric Part- Through Cracks in Plates,"  Experimental Mechanics,  pp. 288- 292, 1991.

27. Carlson R.L.,  Kardomateas G.A. and Bates P.R., "The Effects of Overloads in Fatigue Crack Growth,"   International Journal of Fatigue,  vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 453-460, 1991.

28. Kardomateas, G.A. and Chung, C.B., "Thin Film Modelling of Delamination Buckling in Pressure Loaded Laminated Cylindrical Shells", AIAA Journal, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 2119-2123, August 1992,  also Errata, Ibid, vol. 30, no. 9, p. 2362 , September 1992.

29. Kardomateas, G.A., "Spot Weld Failure from Buckling Induced Stressing of Beams Under Bending and Torsion", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 519-530,  June 1992.

30. Kardomateas G.A.,"Buckling of Thick Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells Under External Pressure",  Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol.60, pp. 195-202,  March 1993.

31. Κardomateas G.A., "Stability Loss in Thick Transversely Isotropic Cylindrical Shells Under Axiaλ  Compression", Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol 60, pp. 506-513, June 1993

32. Kardomateas G.A. , ``The Initial Postbuckling and Growth Behavior of Internal   Delaminations in Composite Plates,''  Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 60, no. 4,  pp. 903-910, December 1993.

33. Kardomateas G.A. and Chung C.B., ''Boundary-Layer Transient Hygroscopic Stresses in Orthotropic Thick Shells Under External Pressure'', Journal of Applied  Mechanics (ASME), vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 161-168,1994.

34. Kardomateas G.A., Carlson R.L., Soediono A.H. and Schrage D.P., ``Near Tip Stress and Strain Fields for Short Elastic Cracks'', International Journal of Fracture,  vol. 62, pp. 219-232, 1993.

35. Carlson R.L. and Kardomateas G.A., ``Effects of Compressive Load Excursions on Fatigue Crack Growth'', International Journal of Fatigue, vol. 16, 1994, pp. 141-146.

36. Kardomateas G.A., ``Bifurcation of Equilibrium in Thick Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells Under Axial Compression'', Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 62, pp. 43-52, March 1995.

37. Kardomateas G.A. and Pelegri A.A., ''The Stability of Delamination Growth in Compressively Loaded Composite Plates'', International Journal of Fracture, vol. 65, pp. 261-176 (1994).   

38. Kardomateas G.A. and Chung C.B., "Buckling of Thick Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells Under External Pressure Based on Non-Planar Equilibrium Modes'', International Journal of Solids and Structures,  vol. 31, no. 16,, pp. 2195-2210, 1994.

39. Kardomateas G.A., "On the Fully Plastic Flow past a Growing Asymmetric Crack and its Relation to Machining Mechanics", Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 483-492, 1994.

40. Kardomateas G.A.  and  Carlson R.L. , '' An Analysis of the Effects of Compressive Load Excursions on Fatigue Crack Growth in Metallic Materials'', Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 62, pp. 240-243, March 1995.

41. Kardomateas G.A.  and  Carlson R.L., ''A Micromechanical Model for the Fiber Bridging of Macro-Cracks in Composite Plates'', Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 63, pp. 225-233, 1996.

42. Kardomateas G.A., "Three Dimensional Elasticity Solution for the Buckling of Transversely Isotropic Rods: the Euler Load Revisited",  Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME),  vol. 62, pp. 346-355,  June 1995.

43. Kardomateas G.A. and Carlson R.L., " An Inelastic Multiple Discrete Asperities Model for the Effects of Compressive Underloads in Fatigue Crack Growth", International Journal of Fracture, vol. 70, pp. 99-115, 1995.

44. Kardomateas G.A. and Philobos M.S., "Buckling of Thick Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells Under Combined External Pressure and Axial Compression", AIAA Journal, vol. 33, no. 10, pp. 1946-1953, 1995.

45. Kardomateas G.A., Pelegri A.A. and Malik B., "Growth of Internal Delaminations UnderCyclic Compression in Composite Plates" ,  Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,  vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 847-868, 1995.

46. Jung H.Y., Carlson R.L. and Kardomateas G.A., ``Geometry Effect on Crack Closure'', International Journal of Fracture, vol. 68, pp. R57-R61, 1994.

47. Kardomateas G.A. and Pelegri A.A., "Growth Behavior of Internal Delaminations in Composite Beam/Plates Under Compression: Effect of the End Conditions", International Journal of Fracture, vol. 75, pp. 49-67, 1996.

48. Kardomateas G.A., "Benchmark Three-Dimensional Elasticity Solutions for the Buckling of Thick Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells", Composites Part B,  vol. 27B, pp. 569-580,  1996 (Special Issue on "Thick Composites").

49. Steadman D.L., Carlson R.L. and Kardomateas G.A., "On the Form of Fatigue Crack Growth Formulae", International Journal of Fracture, vol. 73, no. 4, p. R79-81, 1995 (brief note).

50. Kardomateas G.A. and B. Malik B., " Fatigue Delamination Growth Under Cyclic Compression in Glass/Epoxy Composite Beam/Plates", Polymer Composites, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 169-178, April 1997.

51. Kardomateas G.A. and Dancila D.S., "Buckling of Moderately Thick Orthotropic Columns: Comparison of an Elasticity Solution  with the Euler and Engesser/Haringx/Timoshenko Formulas",  International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 341-357, 1997.

52. Sheinman I. and Kardomateas G.A., "Energy Release Rate and Stress Intensity Factors for Delaminated Composite Laminates", International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 451-459, 1997.

53. Sheinman I., Kardomateas G.A. and Pelegri A., "Delamination growth during pre-and post-buckling phases of delaminated composite laminates", International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 35, nos 1-2, pp. 19-31, 1998.

54. Huang H. and Kardomateas G.A., "Buckling of Composite Beam-Plates with Multiple Central Delaminations", International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 35, No. 13, pp. 1355-1362, 1998.

55. Huang H. and Kardomateas G.A., "Post-Buckling Analysis of Multiply Delaminated Composite Plates", Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 64, pp. 842-846, 1997.

56. Kardomateas G.A., "Koiter-based Solution for the Initial Postbuckling Behavior of Moderately Thick Orthotropic and Shear Deformable Cylindrical Shells Under External Pressure", Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME),  vol. 644, pp.  885-896, 1997.

57. Carlson R.L., Steadman D.L., Dancila D.S. and Kardomateas G.A., "Fatigue Growth of Small Corner Cracks in Aluminum 6061-T651", International Journal of Fatigue, vol. 19, Supp. No. 1, pp.  S119-S125, 1997.

58. Cho H., Kardomateas G.A. and Valle C.S., "Elastodynamic Solution for the Thermal Shock Stresses in an Orthotropic Thick Cylindrical Shell", Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 184-193, 1998.

59. Carlson R.L., Steadman D.L., Dancila D.S. and Kardomateas G.A., "An Experimental Investigation of the Fatigue Growth of Small Corner Cracks in Aluminum 6061-T651", Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, vol. 21, pp. 403-409, 1998.

60. Kardomateas G.A. and Carlson R.L., "Predicting the Effects of Load Ratio on the Fatigue Crack Growth Rate and the Fatigue Threshold", Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, vol. 21, pp. 411-423, 1998.

61. Pelegri A.A., Kardomateas G.A. and Malik B.U., "The Fatigue Growth of Internal Delaminations Under Compression in Cross Ply Composite Plates", Composite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture (Sixth Volume),  ASTM STP 1285, E.A. Armanios Ed., American Society fot Testing and Materials, 1997, pp. 143-161.

62. Kim Y.S., Kardomateas G.A. and Zureick A., "Buckling of Thick Orthotropic Cylindrical Shells Under Torsion", Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 66, pp. 41-50, 1999.

63. Ferrie C.H., Sheinman I. and Kardomateas G.A., "The Effect of Transverse Shear on the Postbuckling and Growth Characteristics of Delaminations in Composites",  Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (ASME), vol. 121, pp. 406-412, 1999.

64. Huang H. and Kardomateas G.A., "Single-Edge and Double-Edge Cracks in a Fully Anisotropic Strip", Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (ASME), vol. 121, pp. 422-429, 1999.

65. Kardomateas. G.A., "Effect of Normal Strains in Buckling  of Thick Orthotropic Shells", Journal of Aerospace Engineering (ASCE), vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 85-91, 2000.

66. La Saponara, V. and Kardomateas, G.A. "Statistical Considerations in the Analysis of Data from Fatigue Tests on Delaminated Cross-Ply Graphite/Epoxy Composites", Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology (ASME), vol. 122, no. 4, pp. 409-419, 2000.

67. Huang H. and Kardomateas G.A., "Stress Intensity Factors for a Mixed Mode Center Crack in an Anisotropic Strip", International Journal of Fracture, vol. 108, pp. 367-381, 2001.

68. Cho, H. and Kardomateas, G.A., "Thermal Shock Stresses due to Heat Convection at a Bounding Surface in a Thick Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell",  International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 38, pp. 2769-2788, 2001.

69. Kardomateas G.A. "Elasticity Solutions for a Sandwich Orthotropic Cylindrical Shell Under External Pressure, Internal Pressure and Axial Force", AIAA Journal, Vol. 39, No 4, pp. 713-719, April 2001.

70. Huang H. and Kardomateas, G.A., "Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors for Cracks Located at or Parallel the Interface in Bi-material Half Planes", International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 38, pp. 3719-3734, 2001.

71. Carlson R.L., Steadman D.L. and Kardomateas G.A., "An Examination of Small Fatigue Crack Morphology",  International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 108, no. 1, pp. 63-72, 2001.

72. La Saponara,V. and Kardomateas, G.A. "Crack Branching in Layered Composites: An Experimental Study", Composite Structures, Vol. 53, pp. 333-344, 2001.

73. Li, R., Frostig, Y. and Kardomateas, G.A., "Nonlinear High-Order Response of Imperfect Sandwich Beams With Delaminated Faces", AIAA Journal, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 1782-1787, 2001.

74. Kardomateas, G.A., Simitses, G.J., Shen, L. and Li, R., "Buckling of Sandwich Wide Columns", International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 1239-47, 2002 (Special issue on "Nonlinear Stability of Structures").

75. La Saponara,V., Hanifah Muliana, Haj-ali, R. and Kardomateas, G.A, "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Delamination Growth in Double Cantilever Laminated Beams", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 69, pp. 687-699, 2002.

76. Huang H. and Kardomateas G.A.,  "Buckling and Initial Postbuckling Behavior of Sandwich Beams Including Transverse Shear", AIAA Journal, vol. 40, no. 11, pp. 2331-2335, 2002.

77. Kardomateas G.A. and Huang H., "The Initial Postbuckling Behavior of Face-Sheet Delaminations in Sandwich Composites", Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 70, pp. 191-199, March 2003.

78. Kardomateas G.A. and Simitses G.J., “Comparative Studies on the Buckling of Isotropic, Orthotropic and Sandwich Columns”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (special issue in honor of Prof. Stavsky), vol. 11, pp. 309-327, 2004.

79. Huang, H. and Kardomateas, G.A. "Dislocation-Based Boundary-Element Method for Crack Problems in Anisotropic Half Planes", AIAA Journal, Vol. 42, No.3, pp. 650-657, March 2004.

80. Han J-H, Kardomateas  G.A. and Simitses G.J., ``Elasticity, Shell Theory and Finite Element Results for the Bucking of Long Sandwich Cylindrical Shells Under External Pressure'', Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 35, pp. 591-598, Sept-Dec 2004  (Special Issue on Marine Composite Structures, edited by Y.D.S. Rajapakse and D. Hui), 2004.

81. Liu, L., Kardomateas, G.A.  and Holmes, J.W., “Mixed-mode stress intensity factors for a crack in an anisotropic bi-material  strip'', International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 41, pp. 3095-3107, June 2004.

82. Li, R. and Kardomateas, G.A., “Thermoelastic Crack Branching in General Anisotropic Media”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol.42, issues 3-4, pp.1091-1109, February 2005.

83. Kardomateas G.A. and Simitses G.J., "Bucking of Long Sandwich Cylindrical Shells Under External Pressure", Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 72, no. 4, pp. 493-499, July 2005.

84. Liu, L. and Kardomateas, G.A, “Thermal Stress Intensity Factors for a Crack in an Anisotropic Half Plane”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 42, no 18-19, pp. 5208- 5223, Sept. 2005.

85. Kardomateas, G.A., “Wrinkling of Wide Sandwich Panels/Beams with Orthotropic Phases by an Elasticity Approach”, Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 72, pp. 818-825, Nov. 2005.

86. Liu L. and Kardomateas G.A., “A Dislocation Approach for the Thermal Stress Intensity Factors of a Crack in an Infinite Anisotropic Medium under Uniform Heat Flow”, Composites Part A, Vol. 37, issue 7, pp. 989-996, July 2006  (Special Issue on “Composites in Fire”).

87. Li, R. and Kardomateas, G.A., “A Solution to the Thermo-elastic Interface Crack Branching in Dissimilar Anisotropic Bi-material Media”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 913-942, 2006.

88. Birman V., Kardomateas, G.A., Simitses G.J., and Li R., “Response of a Sandwich Panel Subject to Fire or Elevated Temperature on One of the Surfaces”, Composites Part A,  Vol. 37, issue 7, pp. 981-988, July 2006 (special issue on Fire Behaviour of Composites).

89. Liu L., Kardomateas G.A., Birman V., Holmes J.W. and Simitses G.J., “Thermal Buckling/Bending of a Heat-Exposed, Axially Restrained  Composite Column”, Composites Part A, Vol. 37, issue 7, pp. 972-980, July 2006 (special issue on Fire Behaviour of Composites).

90. Li, R. and Kardomateas, G.A., “The Mode III interface crack in piezo-electro-magneto-elastic dissimilar bi-materials”, Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 73, pp. 220- 227, 2006.

91. Liu L. and Kardomateas G.A., “Thermal Buckling of a Fire-Damaged Composite Column Exposed to Heat Flux”, AIAA J., Vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 2024-2033, 2006.

92. Li, R. and Kardomateas, G.A., “Vibration Characteristics of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Embedded in Elastic Media by a Nonlocal Elastic Shell Model”, Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 74, pp. 1087-1094, Nov 2007.

93. Li, R. and Kardomateas, G.A., "Thermal Buckling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by nonlocal elasticity ", Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 74, no. 3, pp. 399-405, May 2007.

94. Li, R. and Kardomateas, G.A., “The  Mixed Mode I and II interface crack  in piezo-electro-magneto-elastic anisotropic bi-materials”, Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), ), vol. 74, no. 4, pp. 614-627, July 2007.

95. Carlson, R.L., Cappelli M.D. and Kardomateas G.A., “An Investigation of the Growth of Multi-Site Fatigue Cracks”, International Journal of Fracture, vol. 145, pp. 329-332, 2007.

96. Cappelli M.D., Carlson, R.L. and Kardomateas G.A., “The Transition between Small and Long Fatigue Crack Behavior and its Relation to Microstructure”, International Journal of Fatigue, vol. 30, pp. 1473-1478, 2008.

97. Li, R.,  Kardomateas and Simitses G.J., G.A., "Non-Linear Response of a Shallow Sandwich Shell with Compressible Core to Blast Loading", Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 75, no 6, Nov 2008, pp. 061023-1 to 061023-10.

98. Kardomateas, G.A., Birman V. and Simitses G.J., “Structural Integrity of Composite Columns Subject to Fire”, Journal of Composite Materials, vol 43, no. 9, pp. 1015-1033, 2009.

99. Li R. and Kardomateas, G.A., “Nonlinear High Order Core Theory for Sandwich Plates with Orthotropic Phases”, AIAA J., vol. 46, no. 11, Nov. 2008, pp. 2926-2934.

100. Kardomateas, G.A., “Three Dimensional Elasticity Solution for Sandwich Plates with Orthotropic Phases: the Positive Discriminant Case”, Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 76, pp. 014505-1 to 014505-4, 2009.

101. Li, R., Kardomateas, G.A. and Simitses G.J., "Point-wise Impulse (Blast) Response of a Composite Sandwich Plate Including Core Compressibility Effects ", International Journal of Solids and Structures (Special Issue in Honor of Prof. Librescu), vol. 46, pp. 2216-2223, 2009.

102. Li, R. and Kardomateas G.A., "A high order theory for cylindrical sandwich shells with flexible cores",Journal of the Mechanics of Materials and Structures,vol. 4, no. 7-8, pp. 1453-1467, Sept. 2009.

103. Liu L., Holmes J.W., Kardomateas G.A. and Birman V., “Compressive Response of Composites Under Combined Fire and Compression Loading”,  Fire Technology, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 985-1016, 2009.

104. Kardomateas, G.A., “An Elasticity Solution for the Global Buckling of Sandwich Beams/Wide Panels with Orthotropic Phases”, Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 77, no. 2, 021015 (7 pages), March 2010.

105. Kardomateas, G.A. and Phan, C.N., “Three Dimensional Elasticity Solution for Sandwich Beams/Wide Plates with Orthotropic Phases: the Negative Discriminant Case”, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, vol.13, no.6, pp. 641-661, November 2011.

106. Phan, C.N., Frostig, Y. and Karomateas G.A., “Analysis of Sandwich Panels with a Compliant Core and with In-Plane Rigidity-Extended High-Order Sandwich Panel Theory versus Elasticity”, Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 79, 041001 (11 pages) 2012.

107. Phan, C.N., Karomateas, G.A. and Frostig, Y., “Global Buckling of a Sandwich Wide Panel/Beam based on the Extended High Order  Theory”, AIAA Journal, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 1707–1716, Aug 2012, DOI: 10.2514/1.J051454.

108. Phan, C.N., Bailey, N.W., Kardomateas, G.A. and Battley, M.A., “Wrinkling of  Sandwich Wide Panels/Beams based on the Extended High Order Sandwich Panel Theory: Formulation, Comparison with Elasticity and Experiments”, Archive of Applied Mechanics (special Issue in Honor of Prof. Anthony Kounadis), vol. 82, issue 10-11, pp. 1585-1599, October 2012.

109. Kardomateas, G.A., Berggreen, B. and Carlsson, L.A., “Energy Release Rate and Mode Mixity  of a Face/Core Debond in a Sandwich Beam”, AIAA Journal, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 885-892, April 2013.

110. Kardomateas, G.A., Frostig, Y. and  Phan, C.N., “Dynamic Elasticity Solution for the Transient Blast Response of Sandwich Beams/Wide Plates”, AIAA Journal, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 485-491, 2013, doi: 10.2514/1.J051885.

111. Phan, C.N., Kardomateas, G.A. and Frostig, Y, “Blast Response of a Sandwich Beam/Wide Plate based on the Extended High-Order Sandwich Panel Theory (EHSAPT) and Comparison with Elasticity”,  Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), vol. 80, 061005 (11pages) November 2013, doi: 10.1115/1.4023619.

112. Frostig, Y., Phan, C.N. and Kardomateas, G.A., “Free Vibration of Unidirectional Sandwich Panels, Part I: Compressible Core”, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 377-411, July 2013, first published on May 21, 2013 doi:10.1177/1099636213485518.

113. Phan, C.N., Frostig, Y., and Kardomateas, G.A., “Free Vibration of Unidirectional Sandwich Panels, Part II: Incompressible Core”, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 412-428, July 2013, first published on May 21, 2013 doi:10.1177/1099636213485520.

114. Kardomateas, G.A., Rodcheuy N. and Frostig Y. “Transient Blast Response of Sandwich  Plates by Dynamic Elasticity”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, N0.6, pp. 1424-1432, June 2015 (doi: 10.2514/1.J052865).

115. Yuan, Z., Kardomateas, G.A. and Frostig, Y., "Finite Element Formulation based on the Extended High Order Sandwich Panel Theory", AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, no. 10, pp. 3006-3015, 2015, doi: 10.2514/1.J053736.

116. Frostig Y., Rodcheuy N. and Kardomateas, G.A., “Blast response of Sandwich Plates with a Compressible Core-Extended High-Order Sandwich Panel Approach”, AIAA Journal, vol. 53, no 5, May 2015.

117. Frostig Y,  Kardomateas, G.A. and  Rodcheuy N.., “Nonlinear Response of Curved Sandwich Panels- Extended High-Order Approach ”,  International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, vol. 81, pp. 177-196, 2016.

118. Yuan, Z., Kardomateas, G.A. and Frostig, Y., "Geometric Nonlinearity Effects in the Response of Sandwich Wide Panels", Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME),  vol. 83, no. 9, paper no 091008 (10 pages), September 2016.





Published Papers Non-Referreed

1. N.L. Johnson and G.A. Kardomateas, "Adhesive Joints for Composite Structures," Automotive Engineering, July 1988, pp. 28-31.

2. Kardomateas, G.A., “Review of Plate Structures by Victor Birman, Springer, 2011”, Book Review, AIAA Journal, vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 1643-1644, July 2012.






George A. Kardomateas, Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology